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594 x 841 mm


Thami Mbenekazi


Limited Edition of 5

DisappointmentThami Mbenekazi
00:00 / 01:04

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Artist Statement


“There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love” - Martin Luther King
We live in a country that diminishes the value of the youth by holding on to traditional processes and mindsets, they would rather push a past agenda and an old narrative to avoid change. Nothing disappoints a child more than an elder who says one thing, and then does another.
The patches of gold symbolise the diminishing value of a disappointed youth who has lost hope. The anticipation of a prosperous future is hindered by traditional elders who fail to see the potential of the future, and of the youth who truly love this country.

Artist Bio

Thami Mbenekazi

1987 . South Africa

Born 1987 in Mpumalanga, Thami obtained a Graphic Design degree from The Design School of Southern Africa, Pretoria. Mbenekazi was awarded a scholarship to study Printmaking at Artist Proof Studios in Johannesburg. After the 3 year course Thami was hired as an intern in the studios pro-shop, working with artists like Nelson Makamo, Faith47 and William Kentridge.
Thami has exhibited across the country in numerous exhibitions, awarded 1st Prize at Fried Contemporary Gallery and was selected in the Top 100 at the annual Absa L'Atelier 2015.

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