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Smile Back!

1m 55s


Frederick Bamfo

Audio Recording


Smile Back!Frederick Bamfo
00:00 / 01:55
Smile Back!

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Artist Statement


The Smile Back! artwork is a collaborative project. Initially the aim of the work was based on the notion, that smiling has an audio response and the infectious nature thereof. The project grew capture the experience of a laugh and entice another to smile or laugh through sound alone. Smiling is deemed visually contagious, but can you infect a person through exclusively audio stimulus, does a smile or a laugh have a heard impulsion? Through self recording, the creatives encourage the viewers to hear their laughter and indulge their compulsions.
The artist would like to acknowledge the candid contributions from Emma, Enoch, Hellen, Ken, Lucy, Sandra, Tess and all the anonymous participants.

Artist Bio

Frederick Bamfo

1981 . Ghana

The Smile Back! artwork is a collaborative project. Initially the aim of the work was based on the notion, that smiling has an audio response and the infectious nature thereof. The project grew capture the experience of a laugh and entice another to smile or laugh through sound alone. Smiling is deemed visually contagious, but can you infect a person through exclusively audio stimulus, does a smile or a laugh have a heard impulsion? Through self recording, the creatives encourage the viewers to hear their laughter and indulge their compulsions.
The artist would like to acknowledge the candid contributions from Emma, Enoch, Hellen, Ken, Lucy, Sandra, Tess and all the anonymous participants.

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